Monday, February 17, 2014

Introverts and Extroverts in the Flipped Classroom

A primary purpose of teaching is to engage all students in the content and learning process. There are plenty of times that some students are not receptive to the learning process and/or content, but as teachers, we have the mission to break through and engage them.

Different methods of teaching appeal to different learners, this is why we want to create variety in the classroom. The flipped classroom has the potential to appeal heavily to the extroverted students, so what about those who aren't extroverted?

Today Faculty Focus promoted an article on this topic, sharing tips on how to integrate reflection into the flipped classroom model:

How are you creating an environment that is inviting to both introverts and extroverts?

How do you incorporate reflection within your pedagogy?

What have learned from your students through reflective activities?

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