Friday, March 21, 2014

Flipped Classroom Tools

Screen Capture and Video Sharing-- two concepts that are frequently used within the flipped classroom, yet we, as instructors, have a tendency to shy away from them. Incorporating a new technology into the classroom often comes with the stereotype of being cumbersome, time consuming, and difficult, leading to the conclusion that it's more hassle than it's worth. I would disagree with this assumption. Technology does not have to be any of these things. With the right tools and know-how, you can easily screen capture your lectures and quickly share with your students. This morning Michael Trest, Multimedia Specialist in the Learning Enhancement Center, demonstrated just how easy it really can be.

Before I start comparing the two programs Michael shared, I want to talk about why you would want to use these tools in your classroom. Or better yet, let's start with what it is...

What is screen capture?
Quite simply, screen capture is creating a video or image of what your computer screen displays at any given moment. You might be familiar with a screen shot, where your computer will create a still-shot of the screen, screen capture creates an animated demonstration of your screen.

Now that we know what screen capture is, why would we want to use it?
Michael shared the three reasons why he uses screen capture in this class and with his students: 

1. Demonstration.
Capturing how you do something on your computer allows you the opportunity to share with students without having to replicate the process every time someone has a question. You can quickly guide students through the process once, share it, and then refer back to it when needed. Students are also able to access the process even when you are not available. So if they are working on something in the middle of the night while you are not answering emails, they can easily retrieve the video you've shared and watch it as many times as they need to understand it.

2. Capturing a lecture. 
While lecturing, why not record it? Students will be able to refer back to the lesson covered to review information. You will be able to refer back to previous comments. Students who might have to miss class (for whatever reason) will be able to access the missed information from home. It sounds like a win-win for everyone involved.

3. Sharing announcements. 
Often times we have to send out announcements to students during the semester- updates on changes within the syllabus, reminders about upcoming assignments. How many of those messages go unread? Rarely is there a 100% read-rate, and that's just me guessing. Why not send a quick video you delivering the message? Students are more likely to listen to an announcement than read it. I'm not saying you shouldn't send text announcements, do that too because it does work for some students, but add some variety with a voice memo or video announcement as well.

Quick summary of benefits...
  • Students can start and stop whenever they need to-- video allows them to customize the flow of the learning process. 
  • Students are able to access the information when it is conducive to their learning. 
  • Students are more likely more likely to watch and/or listen to short, quick announcements than read the same material. 
  • Instructors can refer back to previously covered material. 
  • Instructors do not have to explain the same concept multiple times outside of class. 

So what about the actual technologies. We've talked about why you would want to use screen capture for your classroom and the benefits of the inclusion, so now what- what should you use? There are so many to choose from, what's the best? While we cannot answer that, we can give solutions as to what is easy and quick to adopt.

From the makers of TechSmith, Michael demonstrated Jing and Camtasia

Camtasia and Jing are a lot alike in that they quickly and easily capture your screen and allow you to share, but there are also big differences. As Michael put it, Jing is the little brother to Camtasia. They do the same thing, Camtasia just has a little more power behind it.

The quick and dirty on Jing: 
  • FREE! Yes, I said free!
  • Limited on size/length of videos that can be made
  • Video capture and Photo Shot capabilities
  • Very fast uploads and processing
  • Saves files compatible with Blackboard
  • Saves files in .swf format which is not compatible with youtube
  • No editing functions 
  • Saves files to for your access and sharing 
The quick and dirty on Camtasia: 
Finding what is right for you is important. Don't let the cost keep you from choosing a different software that may work better for your needs. Camtasia offers a 30 day free trial. You can test it out to see if it's what you really like before investing in the purchase. 

Another technology was shared with the group, but I'll save that for another blog. Gotta keep you guys interested, right??

How do you think you can use screen capture in your classroom? Or are you already using it? Tell us about it! We want to know!

Happy Flipping!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Staci,
    great post!!! I am not using screen capturing yet, but think I will try it. I would love to know what others are using it for
